In order for the papers to appear in the conference proceedings, authors must register by May 5, 2025. A non-refundable conference full registration is required for each accepted paper. One registration is valid FOR ONLY ONE PAPER. If an author has multiple accepted papers (say 3), he/she can only register for one and other co-authors need to register for the remaining papers (paying 2 additional registration fees, in this example). Instructions for the registration will be available soon. Registration fees are listed in the following tables (early birds, late registrations):
Conference registration (early, until May 5th 2025) | Registration fee |
IEEE Member Full (author) | 550€ |
Non-IEEE Member Full (author) | 650€ |
IEEE Student Member | 400€ |
Non-IEEE Student | 450€ |
Conference registration (late, after May 5th, 2025) | Registration fee |
IEEE Member | 650€ |
Non-IEEE Member | 750€ |
IEEE Student Member | 500€ |
Non-IEEE Student | 550€ |
Once the registration will be complete, the EDAS registration code is the invoice number, which appears on the top of your invoice document you will receive as .pdf. It starts by “MedCom2025-” and goes over the two lines.